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Over 180 Orphans & 200 War Widows housed and fed.


What We Do

We have many Areas of MINISTRY for revival in galilee. 100% of donations received go to meet the needs of the people we are committed to help. All workers are volunteers.

ISRAELI ORPHANS: We support over 180 orphans (Jewish, Muslim, Drew, Arab), providing a variety of personal needs, such as housing, clothes, medicine, eye glasses, therapeutic sessions.  

WIDOWS: We pay special attention to the widows. We provide many different needs, such as monthly food packages, fixing and painting their houses, all handyman work and where ever there is a need. 

HOSPITAL VISITS: Revival in Galilee has received exclusive and special permission from the Interior Ministry to visit hospitals, specifically the cancer centers and the pediatric sections.  The volunteers give out packages of kosher candy, toys, Bibles, and organize private prayer meetings.

THE JERUSALEM PRAYER HOUSE: Our newest resource and hub/heartbeat of the Revival in Galilee Ministries. This newly constructed house has many meeting places for prayer and activities for the ministry as well as a library for Biblical studies, sleeping rooms and a full kitchen. Please consider becoming a Charter Member by donating $1,000 to help with the cost to construct this beacon of hope and love in Israel!

THERAPEUTIC FARM: Our volunteers and orphans have planted fruit trees such as pomegranates, figs, peaches, lemons and olives.  We also have two chicken coops, a dog, and a hutch for rabbits.

The farm has three main goals: food production; therapeutic space for ADHD orphan patients; the planting trees by donators from all over the world in memory of their relatives.  These trees are always planted by the orphans from Israel.  The pictures of these trees with the orphans will be sent to everyone who is ready to support any tree.

WAR FAMILIES: The state of Israel has given us the trust and the responsibility to be guardian of the seniors who did the “Aliya” (the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel) and lost their families in war.  We have a team that pays them a visit weekly, prays with them, listens to their agony, buys them their special needs, and carry out different social activities in order to ease their hearts.

ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCE is both body and soul.  We mention them in our prayer group daily, we visit them on different feasts, and support them spiritually.  Among our activities is giving them kosher candy, Challah covers, and daily needs.

SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN: Special needs kids suffer from different impairments, such as hearing loss, sight loss and physical disabilities. We embrace them and try to create the warmest and passionate environment for them.  We contribute a lot for this group of people through buying educational games, eye glasses and hearing devices.

Uploaded by revival galilee on 2018-06-19.


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